Saturday, December 1, 2007

welcome u

welcome are the people who are against the US. it is more dangerous than al queida and other terrorist org of the one should forget that it is actually the US which nurtured and fed those organisations forces developing countries to oblige to its wishes ...even india which was once a non alignment nation has now completely sails by their side...(see its recent relationship with tehran).. it could not able to set a mark 0f its own in this world. it is trembling...).take a stride at the indo -US nuke deal.isn't it a bluff..does it more feasible than the oil-gas pipeline from the does one would like a plan which is going to bear fruit after 10 years (US NUKE DEAL) at the cost more than the profit than the one which will be accomplished in almost three years. while the western nations are closing down their nuke reactors and opting for a more non conventional form of energy,in the backdrop of the weekened economy and dollar worth of the US due to its mortgage funds,one can say it is actually trying to make market for it reactors and load the wastage on fools head.